Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Tis The Season To Weigh Our Past, Present and Future

Tis the Season when we pause to reflect, take a look around at where we are, remember old times and put together our plans for the future, at least the next year. As we do this, how does this year differ from the last, or the past ones that keep getting further and further into our rear view? What is different today than then? What will be different tomorrow? Why?

 A couple weeks ago I was cleaning out some dresser drawers to remove the clutter and things long ago that should have been gone. While doing so I found an old journal I had been writing in until it sank below the surface of each weeks laundry out of sight and mind. Reading it was an interesting time capsule into my own life. It contained some very momentous days personally,  some infamous days historically, and it was interesting to see my impressions fresh at those moments.

 One of the things that spoke volumes to me was seeing what I thought were important to me at the time of the writings, but even more interesting was seeing the underlying comments that proved what was truly the most important then, and now. It was those that always won out in the end demanding my focus and attention, while what I thought was important rarely did.

 As we are working together on the Momentum Complete Agent Development System, we speak of finding your "Why," and how critical it is to moving you to success. There is little more important in that quest. What is yours? Why does it move you? Does it have you by the heart? It will never be money, it may well be something that money can help you do, but it won't be the money itself.

 Find your Why, develop your dreaming muscles once again. We all can dream as kids, but we have it driven out of us as we get older, or at least most do. The people we admire and talk about how they are special or geniuses in their chosen endeavors are actually people who somehow never quit dreaming, or relearned how.

 If you have a challenge with letting yourself dream again. Let me recommend a book that Lou Holtz claims turned his own life and career around. The Magic of Thinking Big.
Make the time to allow yourself to explore the idea of What if again.

The Magic of Thinking Big

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