Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Have You Tried Using Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook In Your Follow Up?

When you reach out to your database, what do you do? Do you repeatedly send emails, texts, and calls telling them why they should do business with you? Is each contact a sales call of some sort? Does your drip campaign continually ask or sell? How is that really working for you?

Have you ever heard of Gary Vaynerchuck and his book "Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook?" Vaynerchuck's claim to fame was taking his father's little liquor store into a national wine selling powerhouse through his dynamic use of marketing. His theory is that most sales and marketing professionals continue to sell with each touch to their database and it’s a turn-off those who get these "commercials." He suggests that you “Jab," or send out messages of value that have no call to action, no sales wording, in most of your correspondence. This turns your message a welcome touch. Then after, and only after, you have been serving them with value have you earned the right to throw that "Right Hook” - that call to action, that sales request. 

Yesterday I had some eye opening results. The last eight touches I have sent out, through whatever medium, were “Jabs”. I offered something that could help the recipient in his/her business, or a free party they could attend as my guest. Then yesterday, I had a couple hours where I could focus on my address book, so I contacted several on my database with a quick text to meet. During that two-hour time frame, there were five confirmed appointments made! Additionally, I had six more who are working on dates and times, and two more who asked me to get back after a certain date or event. Some of these contacts are people who have not responded to anything in more than two years. 

If you are not using the giving approach, truly giving more than you’re asking, you might want to seriously consider it. It is the ultimate win-win. 

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